10 CSS Frameworks To Style Your Designs

For Buttons

You can make beautiful buttons with CSS3, but they won’t work in the most popular browser (Internet Explorer). Lucky for us there are non css3 frameworks that will make the buttons for us.

Sexy Buttons

CSS Buttons

YUI From Yahoo!

For Forms


Formy CSS

Aligned left or right, below or above, formy will fix those labels and input fields for you.

BlueprintCSS Forms

Although the best part of blueprint is its grid component this framework comes with an easy to use form.css file with which you can style input fields and even form responses.

For Tooltips and Links

Most of the time we neglect style tooltips and links, but it is small accents like these that can make a design unforgettable.


With plugins for buttons, tooltips and rating this framework might become part of every one of your projects.

SlikSprite: Sprites Plugin For Blueprint

Reset and Typography


A framework designed with typography in mind.

Reset Reloaded

A reset file is a must. Many of the frameworks I mentioned above come with their own reset, but if this is the only file you need, what’s better than to download one whose only purpose is to reset.